Jericho Mods | Insight
In my search for decent quality scary games, I stumbled across Clive Barker's Jericho. I was very surprised to see that Codemasters were involved which is great since I know that means the game has Quality written all over it, and having played the Demo version of Clive Barkers Undying some years ago which made a huge impact on me however I never got around to playing the full version.
Many gamers don't know about Jericho, Though its popularity is still growing in the online interverse which is good. I don't want to compare this game to Dead Space as they are both unique and different in the same context. The game has an Occult twist with a demonic good versus evil plot - Fill that up with some scary looking monsters and a very detailed environment with an eery dark atmosphere and you are set to go.
You won't be scared out of your mind though as You won't be progressing through the game alone | you are part of a team of soldiers. The interaction cools down the fear factor alot. The monsters are really cool especially the bigger ones including the bosses. What I liked most was the incredibly detailed buildings, environments, and atmospheric effects. The game progresses with Time slices as the team enters the time / temporal shift zone Al-Khali, Present day, World War II, 1942 A.D, The Crusades, 1213 A.D. The Romans, 38 A.D, Sumeria, 3000 B.C. - I really enjoyed the changing worlds...
Each character has their own unique abilities mastering them should get you through the game smoothly. Using the Soul swap is weird at first but you get used to it, It's surprising that you die in the game but still live as a soul being harbored by team mates. Cris Velasco responsible for God of War sound effects is behind Jericho's - Jericho's Game Engine is truly amazing as I first thought it was a Direct X10 game when it really is a Direct X9 based game and yet again the developers have pushed the DX9 Tech to the max and its really impressive!!!
There are so many bad reviews about this game, but it really isn't that bad at all - Hardcore gamers should really take their heads out of their computers now and then and really take the time to appreciate what game artists are capable of Imagine if you were in their shoes - I don't think you would be able to deliver the goods.
Clive Barker's Jericho is an enjoyable game if you look at all the subtleties without rushing through the game to finish it and complain about the Cliff hanger ending - ( Rumors about a Sequel )
Jericho Mods:
For windows 7 users go to C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Roaming\Codemasters\Clive Barker's Jericho | here we find the game.cfg file where we can custom config the game for better performance or extreme quality
My sweet spot settings for higher frame rate with low shadows and HdR fx disabled.
Download Here
Extreme Quality Settings still under construction ! Jericho Mods
Jericho Game Trailer: